Monday, May 18, 2009



There is so little to redeem the dry mass of follies and errors from which the materials of this life are composed, that anything to love or to reverence becomes, as it were, the Sabbath for the mind.—Buluter Lytton.

Loving souls are like panpers. They live on what is given them.—Madame Swttchine.

How often a new affection makes a new man! The sordid, cowering soul turns heroic. The frivolous girl becomes the steadfast martyr of patience and ministration, transfigured by deathless love. The career of bounding impulses tums into an anthem of sacred deeds.—


It is sweet to feel by what fine-spun thread* our affections are drawn together.—Sterne.

There are few mortals so insensible that their affections cannot be pained by mildness, their confidence bv sincerity, their hatred by scorn or neglect.—jUmwtrmann.

The poor wren, the most diminutive of birds, will fight, her voung ones in her nest, against the owl.—Shakespeare.

The affection of young ladies is of ag rapid growth as Jack's beanstalk, and reaches up to the sky in a night.—Thackeray.

Alas I our young affections run to waste, or water but the desert.—Byron.

Universal love is a glove without fingers,

which fits all hands alike, and none closely ; but

true affection is like a glove with fingers, which

fits one hand only, and sits close to that one.—


No decking sets forth anything so much as affection.—Sir P. Sidney.

How sacred, how beautiful, is the feeling of affection in pure and guileless bosoms! The proud may sneer at it, the fashionable may call it fable, the selfish and dissipated may affect to despise it; but the holy passion is surely of heaven, and is made evil bv the corruptions of those whom it was sent to bless and to preserve.—Mordaunt.

There are moments of mingled sorrow and tenderness, which hallow the caresses of affection.— Washington Irving.

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.— Shakespeare.

Why doth Fate, that often bestows thousands of souls on a conqueror or tyrant, to be the sport of his passions, so often deny to the tcn- derost and most feeling hearts one kindred one on which to lavish their affections ? Why is it that Love must so often sigh in vain for an object, and Hate never *—Richier.

Of all earthly music, that which reaches the farthest into heaven is the beating of a loving heart.—Beecher.

Affections injured by tyranny, or rigor of

compulsion, like tempest-threatened trees, nn-

firmlv rooted, never spring to timely growth.—

John Ford.

There comes a time when the souls of human beings, women more even than men, begin to faint for the atmosphere of the affections they are made to breathe.—Holmes.

Our happiness in this world depends on the affections we are enabled to inspire.—

e de Praslin.

How cling we to a thing our hearts have nursed !—Mr*. C. 11. W. Esling.

If the deepest and best affections which God has given ns sometimes brood over the heart like doves of peace, — they sometimes suck out our life-blood like vampires.—Mrs. Jameson.

I have given suck, and know how tender it is to love the babe that milks me.—Shakesjieare.

Let the foundation of thy affection be virtue, then make the building as rich and as glorious as thou canst; if the foundation be beauty or wealth, and the building virtue, the foundation is too weak for the building, nnd it will fall: happy is he, the palace of whose affection is founded upon virtue, walled with riches, glnzcd with beaut v, and roofed with honor.—Quartet.

If there is anything that keeps the mind open to angel visits, and repels the ministry of ill, it is human love !— Willis.

The heart will commonly govern the head, and it is certain that any strong passion, set the wrong way, will soon infatuate even the wisest of men ; therefore the first part of wisdom is to watch the affections.—L>r. Walerland.

The affections are immortal I they are the sympathies which unite the ceaseless generations.—Bulioer Lytton.

Our sweetest experiences of affection an meant to be suggestions of that realm which is the home of the heart.—Seedier.

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