Monday, May 18, 2009



Ah, how much suffering might be snared sometimes by a single abstinence, by a single no answered in a firm tone to the voice of seduction!—Lavater.

To set the mind above the appetites is the end of abstinence, which one of the fathers observes to be, not a virtue, but the groundwork of a virtue. By forbearing to do what may innocently be done, we may add hourly new vigor to resolution, and secure the power of resistance when pleasure or interest shall lend their charms to guilt.—Johnson.

He who wishes to travel far is careful of his steed; drink, eat, sleep, and let us light a fire which shall continue to burn.—Racine.

The more a man denies himself, the more he shall obtain from God.—Horace.

The whole duty of man is embraced in the two principles of abstinence and patience : temperance in prosperity, and courage in adversity.


Always rise from table with an appetite, and you will never sit down without one.—

William Penn.

Endeavor to have as little to do with thy affections and passions as thou canst: and labor to thy power to make thy body content to go of thy soul's errands.—Jeremy Taylor.

His life is paralleled even with the stroke and line of his great justice; he doth with holy abstinence subdue that in himself which he spurs on his power to qualify in others.—


The stomach listens to no precepts. It begs and clamors. And yet it is not an obdurate creditor. It is dismissed with a small payment, if only you give it what you owe, and not as much as you can.—Seneca.

The temperate are the most truly luxurious. By abstaining from most things, it is surprising how many things we enjoy.—Simms.

Let not thy table exceed the fourth part of thy revenue : let thy provision be solid, and not far fetched, fuller of substance than art: be wisely frugal in thy preparation, and freely cheerful in thy entertainment: if thy guests be right, it is enough; if not, it is too much : too much is a vanity; enough is a feast.—Quartet.

A rich man cannot enjoy a sound mind nor a sound body, without exercise and abstinence; and yet these are truly the worst ingredients of poverty.—Henry Home.

Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl-chain of all virtues.—Fuller.

Temperance and labor are the two best physicians of man; labor sharpens the appetite, and temperance prevents him from indulging to excess.—Rousseau.

After all, it is continued temperance which sustains the body for the longest period of time, and which most surely preserves it free from sickness.— WilMm von llumboldt.

The miser's cheese is wholesomest.—


When you have learned to nourish your body frugally, do not pique yourself upon it, nor, if you drink water, be saying upon every occasion, " I drink water." But first consider how much more frugal are the poor than we, and how much more patient of hardship.—


The defensive virtue abstinence.—Herrick.

If thou desire to make the best advantage of the muses, either by reading, to benefit thyself, or by writing, others, keep a peaceful soul in a temperate body : a full belly makes a dull brain; and a turbulent spirit, a distracted judgment: the muses starve in a cook's shop and a lawyer's study.—Quartet.

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